
  • Baby Octopus
Baby Octopus

Baby Octopus

  • Product description: Baby Octopus/ Octopus Ocellatus
Baby Octopus
Scientific Name: Octopus Ocellatus
Product Form:
1. Frozen Baby octopus
gutted, eyes off, beak off, flower shaped, EU standard chemical treated
Size: 20-40, 40-60 pcs/kg
2. Frozen Baby octopus tentacle portion
Block frozen, EU standard chemical treated
Size: 3-8 cm length
Block or IQF,  flower shape
Packing: Retail / Bulk
Season: March- May, Sep- Nov
Primary Source: China
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Contact: Jessie Wang

Phone: +86 18615221275

Tel: +86 18615221275

Company: Trusted Foods Service Co.,Ltd

Add: Jinan city,Shandong province,China

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